Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Gavi Laining with His Torah
Thursday, October 02, 2008
For those of you who don't get the reference- it's from "Fiddler on the Roof". It's crazy to see him getting ready for school in the morning. It's also crazy to see him grab a bike off the display rack in Target and just start riding it up and down the isles of the store. Ask me what we did after that? We bought him a bike! Spoiled little kid!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008
For those of you...
For those of you who haven't seen Gavi in a while i wanted to put some video up of him in action.
The first one is his first encounter with his new kitchen and the second one is actually really funny- you 'll see why if you press play.
The first one is his first encounter with his new kitchen and the second one is actually really funny- you 'll see why if you press play.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
When Mom's Away, the Boys Will Play
So I went on a little road trip with some friends for 2 days so Gavi and Daddy got to have some fun together. They blew bubbles
and played some music
I wish I were there but I did have fun on the road.
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Is my son really that big?
So I am in complete denial about how big of a boy Gavi is. He's making his way home from Shul with out the help of a stroller (im sure you can understand why there is no picture), he's riding bikes, and stealing mommy's i pod to chill with some music. 

I don't think I'm ready for this! But it's bound to happen sooner or later right? Next thing you know he'll be asking for mommy's keys to the car! What's that Gavi?
Much love!
Gavi's Mom
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Gavi Let Loose in Guitar Center
We are trying our best to instill in Gavi a strong connection and love for music. I know we've succeeded on some level because he's obsessed with Guitars and pianos. I was coming home late from work this past evening so yitzy decided to take Gavi to Guitar Center. The following is a pretty accurate description of what went down. Enjoy! PS- Happy Birthday to Gavi! He's the big 2!

Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Summer Fun
We've been having a great summer so far. We've spent some time with family and have gone to the park HUNDREDS of times. As long as the sun is out- we're bathing in it! (With the appropriate sun block of course)
And a special thank you to Dogh-Diddy (uncle yedidya) for teaching Gavi how to use a water gun! We just can't get enough. Stay cool.

Gavi's Mom

Gavi's Mom
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Sorry this one is not about gavi
So I am not one to veer off the topic of Gavi but for those of you who read this blog and have a toddler or of age for this toy-- you must look into it! It's called "Bilibo"

Wednesday, June 04, 2008
The Grass is Always Greener...
Something funny happened the other day... Gavi was laying in bed with us in the morning watching his Wiggles. Suddenly he hears our gardener start his mower. You have to understand how OBSESSED Gavi is with lawn mowers. His friend Daniel has one of those bubble mowers- he can't go to his house without asking about his mower. So anyway, Gavi raced down to the kitchen, grabbed his chair and put it in front of the screen door and sat there for 40 minutes watching the man cut our lawn. We had to feed him breakfast, change his diaper, and get him dressed in front of the entire neighborhood. What can I say? I think we may have a landscaper in our midst. There are worse things right?
Have a great Shavuot!
Gavi's Mom
Monday, May 19, 2008
To Grandmother's House We Go!
This past Sunday we took a road trip to Philly for our close friend's Bris. (Sorry we missed you Zadu) And then went to Danma's (grandma) for the rest of the day. The trip down there would have been completely unbearable if it weren't for a combination of two things- The Wiggles and our portable DVD player. Were were in the middle of trying to figure out how to prop the screen up behind the passenger seat or maybe wedged between the two front seats- Then Gavi grabbed the player out of my hands and just held it like an open book. Such a big boy he is. He watched his Wiggles concert the entire way down! Am I a bad mommy? 

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Mother's Day
For Mother's Day, Gavi wanted to go to Barnes and Noble to buy his mommy a new book for his bed time routine. Wasn't that such a nice gesture? Instead of browsing the books, we went straight to the music section to listen to some tunes. Like father like son. Song of choice? Big Red Car by The Wiggles. 
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Happy Birthday Israel!
Last night we attended our Shul's Yom Haatzmaut celebration. We had a BBQ with the community then migrated to the social hall for some dancing... Gavi played drums.

Sunday, May 04, 2008
Children's Museum
Gavi and mommy had such a great day today. Daddy played with us in the morning before going to his "gig" and then we packed ourselves up and went the the Children's Museum of Manhattan. Gavi had a blast exploring new things and being able to go where ever he wanted with out hearing "no Gavi!" every other minute. Here are a few shots from the day

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Spring Time for Gavi
These past few days have been amazing in the weather department. Gavi is spending more and more time outside- he insists on taking a ride on hour neighbors swing. I've started to take him into the house through the back door to avoid a tantrum over the aforementioned.
With a little help from his daddy. 
Earth day was this week. Gavi was doing his part to help mother earth by watering the tulips in the back yard...
Friday, April 11, 2008
Momma Loves the Gavi
It's amazing to see how much Gavi has grown in the past weeks. His vocabulary has trippled. He's now starting to put two words together... Mommy up! Mommy stop! Mommy now! (followed by a bout of tears)
But my favorite part is how much he loves to give his mommy some love.
But my favorite part is how much he loves to give his mommy some love.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Gavi is a Big Boy
So the past few weeks we've really gotten to know Gavi in a new light. He's starting to talk more and telling us new found likes and dislikes. Gavi likes ice (pronounced ay-ce with a southern accent), grapes (pees) , edamame (mama), and he loves crackers (cra- wait for about 2 seconds and then finish with - ckers). 
Mommy also likes to get in on the Wiggle action.
After dinner he likes to experiment in the tub with the movement of water. Most of that water ends up on my lap, but it's nice that he's showing some interest.
Then we move to the bed and watch some Wiggles. It's a show on Disney that Gavi is obsessed with. Wiggles go on- Gavi goes shhhh.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
We've kicked the habit!
Forgive me readers- it's been 1 month since my last blog. We've come a far way since the last time I visited. With lots of help and encouragement, Gavi has gone through passie detox. Withdrawal was hard. It was touch and go there for a while but we are proud to say- Gavi is a passie free baby. Yes he needs the support of a PA meeting every now and then but he is committed to his decision.
Gavi's added some words to his repertoire- Guitar (his first word), upstairs, downstairs, mama, dada, book, ball, and the most important- bottle!
Here is a quick video of us having some fun.
Stay warm!
Gavi's added some words to his repertoire- Guitar (his first word), upstairs, downstairs, mama, dada, book, ball, and the most important- bottle!
Here is a quick video of us having some fun.
Stay warm!
Friday, January 18, 2008
Sunday, January 06, 2008
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