Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Sorry this one is not about gavi

So I am not one to veer off the topic of Gavi but for those of you who read this blog and have a toddler or of age for this toy-- you must look into it! It's called "Bilibo"
You can sit in it- sit on it- spin in it. It looks like so much fun. How cool does this look? They should send me one for all this free advertizing! When they do send me one, i'll attach a picture of Gavi playing with it.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

The Grass is Always Greener...

Something funny happened the other day... Gavi was laying in bed with us in the morning watching his Wiggles.  Suddenly he hears our gardener start his mower.  You have to understand how OBSESSED Gavi is with lawn mowers.  His friend Daniel has one of those bubble mowers- he can't go to his house without asking about his mower.  So anyway,  Gavi raced down to the kitchen, grabbed his chair and put it in front of the screen door and sat there for 40 minutes watching the man cut our lawn.  We had to feed him breakfast, change his diaper, and get him dressed in front of the entire neighborhood.  What can I say?  I think we may have a landscaper in our midst.  There are worse things right?

Have a great Shavuot!

Gavi's Mom