Gavi's daddy check out the situation.
So here's what Gavi has been up to the past 5 1/2 weeks of his life.
He's learned to cry, poop, pish through all of his outfits, suck on his passy, and erase all the craziness and drama in his mommy and daddy's life by just looking at him.
Here are gavi's likes and dislikes:
LIKES- His passy- he likes the red one with the bear on it. but the blue one with the train will do just fine too.
The fisher price swing. he just noticed the little fishies hanging from it and stares at those from time to time. I wish i had something like that for me. It’s amazing how long he can just sit there and stare at the wall as long as it is swinging from side to side.
His car seat, as long as the car is in motion. As soon as his daddy stops at a red light the tears start to fall.
Enjoys bath time too.
LOVES to cuddle.
DISLIKES- losing his red passy with the bear on it.
Mommy smothering him with kisses.
Daddy's kisses with he's got hair all over his face. (Who does that? Gosh!)
That’s really about it. Gavi seems to enjoy his life with few dislikes.
I'll do my best to keep up the blog. But I do promise pics from time to time. So enjoy!
Rachel, Yitzy, and Gavi-pooh.
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