Greetings from Montreal!! My French teacher would be so proud of me- reading all these road signs with a perfect French accent. We came up here for a friends wedding and had the best time.... but there was something missing.... GAVI POOH!!!! No no we didn’t forget him. He spent his first nights with out his mommy. Thanks to the Bubby Meister, Mommy and Daddy had a nice 36 hour vacation. Friends at the wedding were asking us if we're going to go out and party, maybe hit up the casino. Our response.... are you crazy??!?! We’re going to SLEEP. No rocking to sleep, no diapers, no bath time.... Just me and my bed. Since it was my first time away from Gavi and promised myself I would call every 5 minutes. So I limited myself to 3 hours. I kept by that rule and all should be proud. Yes I had my urges- but the mommy prevailed!!

So Gavi's crib FINALLY came in. We've set up his nursery and it just so happens that his room is the most decorated room in the house. It's a shame that out of the three of us he appreciates it the least. We'll show these pictures to him when he's older... he'll totally thank us then. I just know he will. Ok, I won't keep my hopes up.

And I would not blog without putting up a picture of gavi so here you go.... he's just hanging out in his new bath, yes he's out grown the bathroom sink. Fro

m sink to
tub... my how he's grown.
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