So since coming back from Israel we've had a lot of changes. Gavi's gotten too big for his infant car seat (the snap and go) so we've had to move onto a BIGGER and better things. If this were the summer, and we didn't have to deal with coats and sweaters, I'm sure we could milk the Graco a few more weeks. We've also started Gavi on solids. He loves Apples, Peaches, Pears, Bananas, and Berries. But NOT and I repeat NOT Apricots! Being the cheap and deceiving mother that I am, I didn't want to waste the entire jar (which I paid a whopping 55 cents for). I tried to trick him by mixing a little apples sauce in there. Nope he would not have it. "Mommy why are you doing this to me?!?!" he said. Yes he really said it. Ha take that Yitzy, his first word was mommy!!.
I digress. Anyway, more changes....
We got a high chair to go with his solids.
Gavi has also started to pull himself up into a standing position. Although he has not yet mastered the most important part of this task... staying that way. With a little encouragement from his loving parents I have no doubt he'll get the idea.

Until next time.
Gavi's Mom
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