Gavi likes to watch "My big comfy couch" It's with this adult who acts like she's a kid and holds her "dolly" with her where ever she goes. Personally I think it teaches the younger generation to be attached to dolls or any other crutch. But what can you do? We all need a little dependency now and then. Mine you ask? CHOCOLATE!!! Tee Hee Hee.
Gavi was an amazing baby BOTH ways. The flight attendants loved him and could not put him down. They held him the whole time. He even took a 5 hour nap an adjusted to the 7 hour time change as if there was not change at all. AND he slept through the night from 8 pm to 8 am. Isn't that amazing?
I know it's wishful thinking. I'll let you now how it goes. Love to you. Gavi's mom.